Eight Ideas for Getting Rid of Unwanted Household Items

 Eight Ideas for Getting Rid of Unwanted Household Items

One day, you might realize that you simply own too many things and you've run out of room. 

Clutter can take over your home in a flash. Plus, it drains your mental energy and causes chaos to replace the peace that once filled your home. Instead of packing everything up and into storage, concentrate on freeing yourself from unwanted items that drain your energy.

Periodically, get rid of less important things you own so that you can more easily enjoy the things that mean the most to you. 

Try these ideas for getting rid of household items:

1. Ask family members if they need anything. Your close family should get first dibs on the things you want to give away.

  • Announce the items that you're giving away to your family and give them a time limit for getting back to you on whether or not they want them.

2. Check to see if a thrift store or charity has any pick up times slated for your area. Sometimes the only thing you have to do is place your items in a box or bag. Thrift stores look for new items for their stores all the time. Many of them will come out to pick up your donation.

3. Drive items to a Goodwill station. Just driving out to your local goodwill might be the best bet, especially if you're in a hurry to regain control of your home. And, you'll be doing something good by choosing to donate. This is a good alternative if you're not getting rid of much or you're not getting rid of bulky, heavy items. 

  • Remember to pick up a tax receipt so you can deduct the value of your donated items from your income on your income tax forms.

4. Sell your items on eBay. eBay is a great place to hold online auctions for your unwanted items. You might be surprised at how much money you receive for them. After all, one man's trash is another man's treasure!

5. List your items on Craigslist. Craigslist is another excellent place to get rid of clutter. List your item, price, and contact information in your initial listing. Then people can call you to arrange a pick up. 

6. Join a website like Freecycle. Freecycle is a network you can join to give items away locally for free. You never know when someone else around you needs an item that you're giving away. It's also a great place to find items that you might need. 

7. Toss items that are in poor condition. Certain items should just be thrown into the trash. A large trash bin can often be your best friend in gaining control over your clutter. The more you throw away, the quicker you'll experience the peaceful home that you crave.

8. Advertise your items on social networking websites. Let people know about the items you're giving away or selling on social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. Your friends will instantly know about your items and you'll save time by announcing your offer to everyone at once. 

While clutter can be overwhelming, there really are only four things you can do with any item or piece of paper. You can keep it, sell it, give it away, or toss it. Get started today, and you'll experience a peaceful, clutter free home before you know it.